PAN UV-c sterilizers, EASY series, are effective against various microorganisms and parasites, both in freshwater and saltwater aquariums. The shape of the collector ensures a linear distribution of the water to be treated, avoiding preferential flow paths and laminar flows. The sizing of the water layer around the quartz sheath optimises radiation permeation throughout the entire layer of fluid to be treated. The highdensity polyethylene collector and the total absence of metal parts in contact with water make these models extremely reliable and durable, especially in salt water. The control system, able to detect and signal any malfunction ensures continuous and effective sterilization
EASY power supply unit: Signalling of correct operation and anomaly.
The PAN UV-c sterilizers of the ECO series are effective against various microorganisms and parasites, both in freshwater and saltwater aquariums, with an excellent price-performance ratio. The shape of the collector ensures an even distribution of the water to be treated, avoiding preferential flow paths and laminar flows. The sizing of the water layer around the quartz sheath optimises radiation permeation throughout the entire layer of fluid to be treated. The highdensity polyethylene collector and the total absence of metal parts in contact with the water make these models extremely reliable and durable, especially in salt water. This series is equipped with ECO control panel, complete with: flow switch, remote ON/OFF input, alarm relay output, password protection, lamp life alarm, collector temperature alarm.
PAN UV-c sterilizers, series HI, are effective against various microorganisms and parasites, both in freshwater and saltwater aquariums. The shape of the collector ensures complete distribution of the water to be treated, avoiding preferential flow paths and laminar flows. The sizing of the water layer around the quartz sheath optimises radiation permeation throughout the entire layer of fluid to be treated. The high density polyethylene collector and the total absence of metal parts in contact with water make these models extremely reliable and durable, especially in salt water. The control system, able to detect any malfunction of the system, ensures continuous and effective sterilization.
This series is equipped with an HI control panel a dynamic dialogue interface useful for programming according to your needs even remotely. Hi control panel allows you to check: sterilization efficiency %,
flow and temperature of the collector chamber, lamp life, lamp malfunctions, ballast ventilation status.
Technical product sheet
Scheda tecnica serie_HI UV440_475
Scheda tecnica serie_Easy
Scheda tecnica serie_ECO
Scheda tecnica serie_HIUV575_675
Schedatecnica serie_HI8145
UV 440 464